■所在地: | 弥生美術館 〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-4-3 TEL 03(3812)0012 竹久夢二美術館 〒113-0032 東京都文京区弥生2-4-2 TEL 03(5689)0462 |
■開館時間: | 午前10時~午後5時(入館は4時30分までにお願いします) |
■休館日: | 月曜日、展示替え期間中、年末年始 |
■入館料: | 一般1200円/大・高生1000円/中・小生500円 |
※ 二つの美術館は同じ建物内で見学ができ、上記料金で二館併せてご覧いただけます。
- 地下鉄千代田線「根津駅」1番出口より徒歩7分
- 地下鉄南北線「東大前駅」1番出口より徒歩7分
- JR「上野駅」公園口より徒歩25分
- 都営バス(上01)「上野公園山下―東大構内」で、終点「東大構内」下車徒歩2分
- 都営バス(茶07)「御茶ノ水駅前―東大構内」で、終点「東大構内」下車徒歩2分
- 都営バス(上60)「上野公園―大塚駅(池袋駅東口)」で、「弥生2丁目」下車徒歩3分
- 都営バス(上58)「上野松坂屋―早稲田リーガロイヤルホテル」で、「根津駅」下車徒歩7分
<Museum Information and Access Information>
Museum information
- Yayoi Museum
Address: 2-4-3 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032 / Tel:03-3812-0012 - Takehisa Yumeji Museum
Address: 2-4-2 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032 / Tel:03-5689-0462
10 AM to 5 PM (Please enter by 4:30 PM.)
■Closed:Mondays, while changing exhibits, and the year-end and New Year holidays.
■Entrance Fee:Adults: 1200yen / University and high school students: 1000yen /
Junior high school and elementary school students: 500 yen.
By paying the above entrance fee, you can enter both the Yayoi and Takehisa Yumeji Museums.
Access Information
■By train- 7-minute walk from No. 1 Exit of Nezu Station (C14), Chiyoda Subway Line.
- 7-minute walk from No. 1 Exit of Todaimai Station(N12), Namboku Subway Line.
- 25-minute walk from the Park Exit of Ueno Station, JR Line. →Display map.
- Take the Ue 01 bus (Ueno-Kōen-Yamashita to Todai-konai) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Bus Line and get off at Todai-konai, the last stop. From there, it is a 2-minute walk.
- Take the Cha 07 bus (Ochanomizu Station to Todai-konai) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Bus Line and get off at Todai-konai, the last stop. From there, it is a 2-minute walk.
- Take the Ue 60 bus (Ueno Park to Ikebukuro Station, East Gate) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Bus Line and get off at Yayoi 2-chome. Form there, it is a 2-minute walk.
- Take the Ue 58 bus (Ueno Matsuzakaya to Waseda Rihga Royal Hotel) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Bus Line, and get off at Nezu Station. From there, it is a 7-minute walk.
※We don’t have a parking lot. Please come by train or bus.